When I was a medical student, doing an internship in Burkina Faso changed the course of my life drastically...
Two seemingly small events changed me in unexpected ways. First, I saw a mini decoration kora in the market in Burkina Faso, then I heard the song "Djorolen" from Oumou Sangaré (Mali). From these two things, I was firmly convinced that I needed to go to Mali and learn the kora.
That's what I did and I never regretted it!
From then on I started a long journey into music from Western African music to Indian to Europen folk music, also touching on Azeri or Kazakh music...
With my first master Sadio Cissokho (second starting from the left) and his brother Bao in Brussels, 2002
DialyMady Sissoko who taught me everyday for a year in Bamako in 2003-2004
With my first band "Avia", Bamako 2004
With the nurses team of Barasalogho (Burkina Faso) dispensary, 2001
With my South Indian Classical music teacher, Dr P.V. Bose, Pondicherry 2015
In Azerbaijan for a mugham contest, 2013